Maitrise du cholera pdf

Cholera can cause death from dehydration the loss of water and salts from the body within hours if not treated. Plan strategique multisectoriel delimination du cholera en. Ce bacille fut initialement observe par pacini en 1854 puis isole en 1883 par robert koch en inde. Missouri department of health and senior services communicable disease investigation reference manual. Le but principal du traitement est le remplacement rapide des liquides et des electrolytes sels perdus. Cholera germs are found in the feces poop of infected people. Maitrise du risque lie a vibrio parahaemolyticus dans les produits halieutiques destines a lexportation.

Maitrise du risque lie a vibrio parahaemolyticus dans les. Institut pasteur, laboratoire des bacteries pathogenes enteriques, 2528 rue du docteurroux, 75724 paris cedex 15. These bacteria are mainly found in humans although the bacteria may be found in brackish water and estuaries. Epidemiologist msc in public health ministry of public health cameroon isaac bayoro of public health pitoa health district northcameroon isidore takoukam state registered nurse tchollire health district north. Cholera is spread when feces poop from an infected person gets into the water people drink or the food people eat. Cindy uttley, infirmiere agreee et sagefemme, titulaire dune maitrise es. Cholera prevention and control centers for disease control. Cholera is an acute, diarrhoeal illness caused by the bacterium vibrio cholerae the infection is often mild or without symptoms, but sometimes it can be severe washing hands with soap and water is the basis of health cholera. Shellfish found in united states coastal waters can be contaminated with v. Overview1,2 cholera is an acute, diarrheal illness caused by infection of the intestine with the bacterium vibrio cholerae serogroups o1 and o9.

Les germes du cholera sont introduits dans les aliments et leau potable par les matieres fecales \ dune personne in\. Les patients presentant symptomes du cholera doivent etre evalues et traites rapidement. Since the first pandemic of cholera in 1817 spread through the middle east to europe, cholera has been among the most feared of the classic epidemic diseases. Cholera is a contagious diarrheal disease caused by toxins produced by certain vibrio cholerae bacteria. New momentum in prevention, control and elimination of. Etude des aspects epidemiologiques du cholera dans le.

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